We are using Azure Access controll or ACS to handle logins to our application. But we dont want to keep validate against the live one everytime we debug, so localsts to the rescue.

LocalSTS which is shipped via the extension "Identity and access tool" is a fake Access control, this way I can keep trying different scenarios with login. The extension can be found here: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/e21bf653-dfe1-4d81-b3d3-795cb104066e

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But today I got an issue with the Local STS, it didn't want to give me any fake tokens. We had recently made a new branch and one guy in the team had no problems with the Local STS.


After a couple of hours, trying to find any difference in our solutions I found one critical difference:



We had to run with IIS Express in order for Local STS to work.

This was working on my colleagues mashine, but since he hadn't checked the checkbox apply server settings to all users, so it was saved to the project file and version controlled, I had different settings.